Clerk Treasurer’s Office Now Livestreaming Voting Process
Minden, NV- The Douglas County Clerk Treasurers Office has installed a new livestream video equipment in the Historic Courthouse. The livestream will be 24 hours a day, 7 days a week even when there is no work in progress. The public can watch live, or go back and watch, everything involved in the Mail Ballot process. This includes signature verification, ballot batching and processing, deconstruction, tallying and adjudicating. Although this process can be viewed, voting names and voting information is still kept confidential and cannot be viewed through the streaming process.
To view the livestream, click the link https://www.youtube.com/user/douglascountynevada
“This new process allows the Douglas County Elections Office to be as transparent as possible with the election process, inviting the public to understand the intricate details involved in elections and ensuring we are of the highest integrity,” said Amy Burgans, Douglas County Clerk Treasurer. “Our ultimate goal, is to ensure the public that no matter what the legislature decides to implement as far as election laws, my job as the Douglas County Clerk/Treasurer is to implement these laws in the fairest and most transparent way for all of the registered voters of Douglas County.”
The cost was just under $8,000. This includes livestream and oversight from May 24th until June 24th, 2022 unless mail ballot processing and tallying of the election results are finished prior.
The Clerk Treasurers Office would also like to remind the public that early voting began May 28th and goes through June 10th. Early voting is a great way to skip the longer lines of Election Day, increases voter participation rates, and allows for a more accurate ballot count.
For more information about voting or the livestreaming process contact the Clerk Treasurer’s Office at 775-783-6095 or visit https://cltr.douglasnv.us/