Minden, NV – Following thorough engagement with the community—which involved multiple public workshops, focus groups, and a successful community survey conducted over several months—Douglas County is ready to unveil a draft of the new strategic plan. The creation of this draft is the outcome of analyzing community-wide feedback and includes strategic goals formulated through alignment with input from both internal and external stakeholders. Additionally, the goals are informed by data gathered from the public.
Click here to read the draft
Click here to read the public insight report (includes public survey and public input data)
The County is encouraging the public to give further feedback on the draft plan, which they can do until Friday, February 16. Public feedback can be emailed to [email protected]. An announcement regarding a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to review the draft strategic plan and consider additional feedback will be made at a later date.
“I want to express my gratitude to the community and our staff for dedicating their time and effort to crafting this first draft of the strategic plan,” said County Manager Jenifer Davidson. “I want to emphasize that continued public engagement in this process is critical to ensuring the strategic plan reflects the needs and desires of the community. Once this period for additional public comment closes, the County will hold a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to further refine the plan to reflect our collective vision for the future.”
The draft strategic plan identifies the following areas of focus for the county: Balanced Growth & Infrastructure, Preserving Douglas County’s Natural Beauty and Rural Character, Serving Our Community, and Enhancing Residents’ Quality of Life. Within those four strategic objectives, the plan outlines specific goals and draft initiatives that will serve as a roadmap for resource allocation and decision-making for county leadership for the future during the next five years. It is designed to evolve over time in response to the changing needs of the organization and the community.
The Board of County Commissioners first approved a strategic plan to guide the direction of Douglas County in 2008. Since then, the plan has been updated from time to time as objectives and initiatives are modified and/or completed. The Fiscal Year 2018-2022 Strategic Plan adopted in 2017 can be viewed here.
Check out douglascountynv.gov/strategicplan for more details.