On Thursday, December 21, 2023, the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners recognized Renea Louie for her dedication, ongoing effort, and service to the community, youth, and Douglas County. She was honored as the first inductee into the Community Services Foundation (Foundation) Million Dollar Club. Renea serves in many capacities, including the Douglas County Community Services Foundation President and Chairwoman of the board.
The Foundation is a non-profit 501(C)(3) corporation intended to make improvements to the community and senior centers as easily and efficiently as possible with the maximum amount of accountability. The Foundation acts as a liaison between the government of Douglas County and the private donor to maximize and meet the private donor's needs.
Scott Morgan, Community Services Director, and Interim Assistant County Manager shared, “Renea Louie is highly respected and offers leadership, business acumen, and skills to impassion donors and supporters, both businesses and individuals, to support the foundation and its purpose. She has raised over $1.8 million dollars and growing, for the foundation. Her fundraising has supported the Community and Senior Centers in Gardnerville, Stateline, Topaz Ranch Estates and both recreation and youth programs.”
Renea served for 15 years on the original Community and Senior Center Feasibility Committee, the Design Committee, the Construction Committee, the Capital Fundraising Committee and has secured substantial contributions and funding commitments for the Foundation to furnish and equip the needs of the new facility before construction. She was also key and instrumental in raising funds for the Foundation to make improvements and buy equipment for the Kahle Community Center and Gymnasium in Stateline, Nevada, and funded the kitchen remodel at the Topaz Ranch Estates Center in South Douglas County.
Renea Louie said, “It is a privilege for the Board and I love to do the work. Every donor and volunteer is who we are thankful for. The Foundation is a key piece that Scott Morgan built from the ground up and with his leadership – it has far exceeded anything we imagined. The staff at the community and senior centers are the true heartbeat every day of the miracles that happen at the centers. The fabric of our community is strengthened by the service of the dedicated staff, volunteers, and donors. When we stand side-by-side to help others, success happens. Each day, the Foundation board members and others, that step up to support the community to help with needs both great and small are who we wish to thank.”
Renea’s passion to support and serve youth and teens in Douglas County to provide them with safe facilities and an environment to recreate, exercise, socialize, and learn life skills was the driving force to create the Incredible Kids program. This program provides youth and teens membership scholarships at both the Douglas County Community and Senior Center and Kahle Community Center & Gymnasium, no matter what socio-economic background the youth or teens come from, and she is the sole fundraiser, raising $512,000 and counting, for the Foundation Scholarship Program that has thrived since 2016.
Renea Louie’s lifetime of dedication to family, volunteering, leadership, and community service has had a tremendous influence not only on the Douglas County Community Services Foundation but also with the other boards, committees and non-profits that she has been involved with. Douglas County is honored to recognize her efforts and express the deepest of appreciation and gratitude for her commitment to the residents, youth and families of Douglas County, Nevada.
Louie invites everyone to consider even a small donation to the foundation, every dollar helps and supports ages 1 – 101 that enter the halls of the community centers. It will be carefully stewarded and mindfully used to advance services and meet the needs of all that enter the centers of our communities, both at Kahle and in the Valley. To donate go to https://www.douglascountycommunityservicesfoundation.com/ or call 775-790-1544.