Douglas County Accepting Applications for Chief Technology Officer and Chief Financial Officer

Douglas County, NV – Douglas County is seeking to fill two leadership positions with the pending retirements of the current Chief Financial Officer and Chief Technology Officer. Solicitations for both positions are currently posted on the Job Opportunities page of the Douglas County website.
Terri Willoughby—current Chief Financial Officer—and Daniel Johnson—current Chief Technology Officer—have submitted notice of their retirements effective this December and November respectively. Both incumbents have served the public in their respective fields for a number of years, gaining valuable experience which each brought to their roles in Douglas County.
The Chief Financial Officer serves as the County Auditor and Comptroller pursuant to Chapter 251 of the Nevada Revised Statutes. This role is responsible for proper administration of financial affairs of the County and provides fiscal support for County.
The Chief Technology Officer is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing all elements of the County's technology services functions which includes Information Technology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Communications.
Please click here for the job postings and application, or call Douglas County Human Resources at 775-782-9860 for further information.