Minden, NV - All Douglas County residents, business owners, and staff are invited to contribute their ideas and suggestions for public art by completing an online questionnaire that can be found at https://surveyhero.com/c/tqvkphsj or by scanning the QR code.
In keeping with the Master Plan, Douglas County is committed to continuously improving quality of life and community vibrancy through streetscape improvements and public art installations that enhance the visual appeal and vibrancy of our communities. Public art expresses local culture and heritage, beautifies communities, and enhances the local business environment.
Douglas County is working with an arts & culture planning consultant, Debra Soule to assist in preparing the new Art in Public Places Program. The program will be based upon county-wide engagement with County and Town staff, with arts and culture organizations, businesses, and the community at large to inform the long-term vision, goals, and procedures for public art throughout Douglas County.
Paper copies of the questionnaire will also be available at Douglas County Community and Senior Center, Kahle Community Center, and Library locations in Minden and at Zephyr Cove.
For further information please contact Debra Soule at [email protected].