Stormwater Master Plan
Flooding has a widespread impact on the entire community in Douglas County, ranging from road closures and school shutdowns to delayed emergency vehicle responses. The repercussions extend beyond individual neighborhoods, affecting the entire region. To adhere to best practices in stormwater management and flood response, Douglas County has created a Stormwater Master Plan. Public workshops were conducted in February 2024 to enhance transparency and to seek public input on the plan. The
Douglas County Stormwater Master Plan was adopted by the Douglas County Board of County Commissioners on March 21, 2024. Capital improvement projects listed in the Stormwater Master Plan will be evaluated and reprioritized as necessary due to changing conditions.
Constructing in the Special Flood Hazard Areas or Floodplain
Floodplains are valuable areas that benefit our watersheds by storing and slowing water. They help protect our drinking water and wildlife habitat. In Douglas County, floodplains provide opportunities for agricultural activity, open space, and recreation, while limiting property loss from flooding. The nature and extent of use within the floodplain should be compatible with the risk involved and the degree of protection that can be provided.
Douglas County has had floodplain regulations since 1974. Floodplain development permits and special requirements for land division in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and floodplain are all covered in
Title 20.50 Floodplain Management of the Douglas County Consolidated Development Code.
SFHAs are defined as the area that will be inundated by the flood event having a 1% chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The 1% annual chance flood is also referred to as the base flood or 100-year flood. These FEMA flood zones are typically A, AO (with depth associated), AH, and AE. X-shaded is defined as the 500-year flood, with a 0.2% annual chance of flooding in a given year. For more information about flood zones in Douglas County, please go to the
Douglas County GIS Flood Zone Viewer.
High Water Mark Signs in Douglas County
High Water Mark Signs serve as educational monuments providing historical flooding information about the area and aim to raise local flood risk awareness. The signs are typically installed in locations that have experienced severe flooding and encourage flood risk mitigation.
Douglas County High Water Mark signs can be found in the following locations:
• River Fork Ranch
• Lampe Park
• Carson Valley Golf Course
For more information on the Nevada High Water Mark Campaign and other signs throughout the state, please visit
Nevada Floods: Nevada Comprehensive High Water Mark Campaign.
Additional Resources
Floodplains as Community Assets: Videos!
Conserving the Carson River Floodplain as a Community Asset PSA
Agriculture's a Good Fit for Conserving the Carson River Floodplain
A Case for Developers to Conserve the Carson River Floodplain
Our Officials in Conserving the Carson River Floodplain
Carson River Watershed Floodplain Management Plan, 2018
CRS 2023-2024 Annual Report (prepared by CWSD)