Douglas County, NV – After extensive engagement with the community, including public workshops, focus groups, and a successful community survey spanning several months, Douglas County is now embarking on the next phase of its strategic planning process. Throughout this journey, the county has actively gathered a wealth of public input and feedback, identifying both notable achievements and prevailing challenges to inform the upcoming strategic plan.
On November 6, a gathering of internal stakeholders is scheduled to convene and review the Strategic Plan Insights Report, an extensive compilation of insights and viewpoints from the public and constituents. The very next day, on November 7, the public is cordially invited to attend a strategic planning session including the Board of County Commissioners, providing an opportunity to learn about and review the feedback collected during the preceding months as well as hear staff presentations. This event will be hosted at the CVIC Hall in Minden, located at 1604 Esmeralda Ave, Minden, NV 89423, from 9 a.m. until the session is complete.
The agenda for the November 7, Strategic Planning Session can be viewed here.
This strategic plan is a critical mechanism to establish a shared vision between the residents of Douglas County and their elected officials. Designed as a comprehensive five-year document, it will serve as a dynamic roadmap for the county's future operations. It is intentionally structured to adapt and evolve in response to the changing needs of both the organization and the community it serves.
The Board of County Commissioners first approved a strategic plan to guide the direction of Douglas County in 2008. Since then, the plan has been updated from time to time as objectives and initiatives are modified and/or completed. The Fiscal Year 2018-2022 Strategic Plan adopted in 2017 can be viewed here.
Check out douglascountynv.gov/strategicplan for more details.