Minden-Tahoe Airport Management Company Sends Notice to Terminate Contract with Douglas County

Minden, NV – ABS Aviation—the company responsible for managing the Minden-Tahoe Airport—intends to terminate its contract with Douglas County effective in May 2023. In response to the notice, The Douglas County Manager’s Office is working to ensure a smooth transition.
“I would like to thank ABS Aviation for its decade of service to Douglas County,” said Douglas County Manager Patrick Cates. “The Minden-Tahoe Airport is an important asset to our community, and we are working to prevent any disruptions to airport operations as we make this transition.”
In order to secure the services of a new management company, Douglas County will be issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) in the near future.
“This RFP has been planned for more than a year and is ready to go,” Cates added. “Public contracts should be put out to bid periodically in a competitive and transparent manner in accordance with state procurement laws. This provides the best value for the taxpayers.”
The County looks forward to new opportunities to improve the Minden-Tahoe Airport and to continue its reputation as a world-class destination for recreational aviation.