Freegal music is a streaming and downloading service providing access to millions of songs and thousands of music videos.
To create a free Freegal music account, you will need your Douglas County Library card number and account password/PIN.
To get started with Freegal music on a mobile device:
- Download and install the Freegal app from the App Store onto your Android or Apple device.
- Enter your Douglas County Library card number and library account password/PIN.
- The Freegal site will verify that you are a current library card holder with the Douglas County Public Library.
- Follow the instructions on the Freegal site to begin streaming and downloading music and music videos.
To get started with Freegal on a computer:
- Enter your Douglas County Library card number and library account password/PIN.
- The Freegal site will verify that you are a current library card holder with the Douglas County Public Library.
- Follow the instructions on the Freegal site to begin streaming and downloading music and music videos.
More Details:
- The Freegal site has the following limits:
- 3 downloads per cardholder per week
- 3 hours streaming per cardholder per day
A tutorial is available at the library's online
Douglas County Public Library Tutorials - Freegal.